About Us

Welcome to Binh Nghia Agarwood

Binh Nghia Agarwood co., ltd is one of the leading company for producing agarwood (oud) products. Now over decades of experience, Binh Nghia Agarwood Co.,ltd has become one of the company’s leading of agarwood (oud) products.

Our products are 100% organic. Our factory is the biggest in Vietnam for producing agarwood. We specialize in this field over 30 years, the production raw material stability, with good quality and pretty competitive.

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Vietnam agarwood - vietnam oud

Binhnghia Agarwood - Binhnghia oud

Who We are

We Are Vietnam Agarwood

Binh Nghia Agarwood Co., Ltd. is a company with a closed activity field in manufacturing and trading of agarwood: planting, transplanting agarwood on Aquilaria trees, producing and supplying agarwood products. With our range of business areas, we believe that we will bring the best value to meet the needs of our esteemed customers and partners.
Farm & factory visit is welcome!
Showroom: 928 Le Van Luong, Phuoc Kien ward, Nha Be Dist, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam.
Phone: +84.964.44.46.46 - Mr.Toby (WhatsApp)
Phone: (+84) 93.373.1393 (Wechat) Mr Huang (Chinese)
Email: sales@agarwood.vn

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Our Products - Agarwood



Agarwood chips are precious products, many customers prefer and find them in recent...



The infected wood, agarwood, from the Aquilaria tree, is renowned internationally for its...



Oud oil of Binh Nghia Agarwood is always the best quality and affordable price on the...



You want to buy agarwood incense quality, you buy immediately agarwood incense of Binh...



Agarwood powder is made absolutely in Vietnam, free of toxic chemicals or artificial...



Agarwood/oud nowadays is getting rare and price is very high in certain market because of...



Beautifully hand-made, this is a great gift for any incense lover, your precious incense...

Prayer Beads

Prayer Beads

Oud prayer beads, Agarwood prayer beads

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Agarwood tree & Factory

To have stable quality agarwood oil while to save the Jungle for a green environment, input materials (Aquilaria Crassna, agarwood tree) for water distillation are strictly selected from:

  • Our own Aquilaria Crassna plantation: 21,000 trees of over 10 years of age.
  • Aquilaria Crassna plantations nationwide where we have agreements with farmers on growing more than 12,000 trees, and most of them are at 10-18 years of age.
  • Wild Aquilaria Crassna trees, from 20 years of age up, in Households’ farms.